Solar Energy - Tomorrow’s energy today, discussed with Solar Wanaka.

Decisions, decisions, decisions, there are so many to make when it comes to making our homes the best they can be. Clean, green homes are what most of us are striving for and who doesn’t want lower electricity bills to join that party? Interestingly, solar energy has been in existence for at least 100 years, mainly used for steam production to drive machinery. An invention of a solar cell by Charles Fritts in 1893 was the beginning of the solar panel we have come to know today. With solar panels becoming an attractive option for homes to generate their own electricity, we decided it would a good idea to gain some clarity around solar energy.

Dean Dunning from Solar Wanaka, kindly gave us some answers as to how to '“tailor the ideal solar system for your needs”.

Why choose solar panels?
Solar panels will reduce your power demand from the grid, in turn saving you money. They can also help you become more self-sufficient, especially when combined with a battery. When combined with a battery, solar panels can provide backup power against grid outages.

Is my home right for solar - Does the orientation of the roof affect whether a home can install solar panels? What other factors can affect having panels installed?
The roofing aspect and angle aren't as important as they used to be. Since the price for solar panels came down, we can make up for lower or east/west angles by just adding more panels. Or if the roof is really flat, tilt frames can be added to increase winter production.

The roofing type is a consideration. Most profiles of corrugated iron are easy to work with. Flat membrane roofs can present some challenges.

Is it possible to increase the size of a solar panel system in the future?
It's better to get it right the first time. But more panels can be added in the future by:

  • Adding a new inverter + panels, which will link to the existing inverter and act as one.

  • Installing a larger inverter initially, leaving a spare input to add panels later.

Are solar systems effective in Winter?
Yes, they sure are. Although yields will be about half what they are in summer in the Otago area. Mainly due to the shorter days. We still get beautiful clear days, which are great for solar generation.

Is it worth getting a battery with solar panels? Pros and Cons?
It depends on what your motivation is behind getting solar.

If you want to be self-sufficient or have backup power, then a battery is a good/essential part of the system.
If you want the best return on investment and can align your power use with that of solar generation, then a battery might not be for you.

The pro of a battery is that it makes the operation of the system better. The main con is the cost. Hopefully, they will come down.

How long does the battery last?
Most batteries will come with a 10-year product warranty. But are expected to last longer than that, with some allowance for degradation.

For example, Tesla will warranty their battery for 10 years, unlimited cycles with a remaining capacity of at least 70% after 10 years.

Is it possible to run a house on solar power alone?
Yes absolutely, we have many customers that are close to or completely self-sufficient.

People living in passive houses are able to achieve this quite easily. Due to their consistent low energy use throughout the year. As well as low energy use in Winter.

How long do solar panels generally last?
25-year product warranties. But if a high-end panel is used then you could expect 50 maybe 100 years of life out of them.

What is the general cost of installation for solar?
An average installation, which is about 14 panels(5.6kW) will cost about $15,000 including GST, fully installed. This is for high-end, long-lasting equipment and a quality installation.

What are the 3 advantages and disadvantages of going solar?


  • Self-sufficiency

  • Lower your bills

  • Lower your carbon emissions


  • It costs money to do

  • I don't have any more

  • I don't have any more

Here at M A Building, we couldn’t agree more with Dean. For more information on solar panels for your home please contact Dean here.


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